Have Your Showers Turned Chilly?

Turn to our company for the water heater repair or replacement you need in Heath, University Park or Rockwall, TX

Hot water is a comfort many of us have become accustomed to. If you find yourself rushing through cold showers, your water heater may be to blame. 1st American Plumbing provides water heater repairs in Heath, University Park, Rockwall, TX and other surrounding areas. We have experience working on conventional and tankless units. Our professionals are committed to providing a quick turnaround using nothing but the highest quality equipment for long-lasting results.

Get in touch to schedule the water heater repairs you need.

5 signs it's time for a water heater replacement

You don't realize how much you rely on your water heater until something goes wrong. Some signs it's time for a complete water heater replacement include:

  1. Strange noises and smells
  2. Rusty tap water
  3. Inconsistent water temperatures
  4. Cold water
  5. Puddles around your unit
Thinking of going tankless? 1st American Plumbing offers a yearly maintenance program on all tankless water heater replacements.